For the most commonly used data types, Java provides the following base types
(also called primitive types):
boolean a boolean value: true or false
char 16-bit Unicode character
byte 8-bit signed two’s complement integer
short 16-bit signed two’s complement integer
int 32-bit signed two’s complement integer
long 64-bit signed two’s complement integer
float 32-bit floating-point number (IEEE 754-1985)
double 64-bit floating-point number (IEEE 754-1985)
A variable having one of these types simply stores a value of that type. Integer
constants, like 14 or 195, are of type int, unless followed immediately by an ‘L’
or ‘l’, in which case they are of type long. Floating-point constants, like 3.1416
or 6.022e23, are of type double, unless followed immediately by an ‘F’ or ‘f’, in
which case they are of type float. Code Fragment 1.1 demonstrates the declaration,
and initialization in some cases, of various base-type variables
1 boolean flag = true;
2 boolean verbose, debug; // two variables declared, but not yet initialized
3 char grade = 'A';
4 byte b = 12;
5 short s = 24;
6 int i, j, k = 257; // three variables declared; only k initialized
7 long l = 890L; // note the use of ”L” here
8 float pi = 3.1416F; // note the use of ”F” here
9 double e = 2.71828, a = 6.022e23; // both variables are initialized
Declarations and initializations of several base-type variables.
Primitive data types table:
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we have four reference data type :
1. Array 2. Class 3. Interface 4.enum
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Data Types in Java ( Part 1) |
Data Types in Java ( Part 2)
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